With the expansion of the digital platforms, thousands of businesses, both local and international, are making their Website rank on the google search engine regardless of their specific industry. Getting your Website rank among the top 10 searches is the primary goal of online business. However, there is no guarantee that your business may rank in the first few days for your Website. Companies have to hire Search engine optimization experts to make sense of their business and get visitors’ attention. More clicks on your website page mean getting more clients and a drastic increase in investment return.
But how is this possible? How SEO tips and tricks can help individuals to achieve their business target? Is there any surety that someone’s business may rank in google within the first few days? The short answer is, no one exactly knows how to make a website or the online business rank number#1 of google. If someone claims to do it, run away from them as they might be tricking you.
Is there any surety that a website page may rank in the top 10 searches on the Google within a few days? In reality, no!
Nevertheless, that is relatively not the answer we are looking forward to. Understand that Google is based on an algorithm. Every little or big change may impact the ranking factor of the Website, and hence the overall business.
Keyword difficulty is one of the criteria that can help businesses and organizations achieve their SEO-related goal.
What is Keyword Difficulty?
The word keyword difficulty, which is also known as SEO difficulty, or Keyword competition, is a metric through which one can gauge the difficulty level of the keyword to rank in a google search engine.
The keyword difficulty is directly proportional to the search engine criteria of ranking the keyword on google. If you check Professional Ghostwriting Services Keyword Difficulty This shows that how tough competition you have to face to get that keyword rank in the organic search. In PPC(pay-per-click), the keyword competition offers how many people are bidding for that particular word to rank in the google searches. Your motive of finding the perfect keyword should always be to find keywords that are lower in competition and higher in search volume.
The keyword or the SEO difficulty is also based on the number of other factors such as the Website or the domain authority, copy or the content quality, on-page and pages backlinks, and the page authority.
Why is Keyword Difficulty essential to know?
Keyword difficulty helps you access, evaluate, and anticipate how difficult it would be to rank for a particular keyword on google keyword searches. The higher the number of keywords difficult, the less are chances to get your Website rank for that specific targetted word.
So what should be done in this regard?
Your goal should be to find low-competition keywords. There is a number of paid and free tool available to help you find out the keywords that may help you rank your Website for that particular word, such as Moz Pro, SEMrush, Ahref, and Keywords everywhere, Google planner, and Ubbersuggest.
Another important aspect of keyword difficulty is remembering that your searchers on google are looking for specific results. User intent is an important metric that you need to take care of. If you are using the keyword in your Website, the landing page, or in the article, but you do not fulfill their search intent, it can create a bad image for you. Your keyword goal should be as relevant as possible so that your visitors may land on the page they are looking for.
How to Calculate Keyword Difficulty?
There are paid and free tools to check keyword difficulty. Every SEO tool has its criteria to provide you a list of keywords. Nevertheless, they all seem to assess the keyword difficulty in terms of the percentage from 0-100. The lower the number with more search volumes, the higher are the chances of improving your Website ranking on the google search engine.
Keyword Difficulty Above 70%
As mentioned earlier, the higher competitive keyword will be difficult to rank and compete for. To ensure that you rank in the above 70% category of keyword difficulty, you will have to invest in other SEO techniques to achieve your targets, such as Link-building through on-page and off-page submissions, guess postings over a lengthy period. Another important aspect is to remember that ranking for these highly competitive keywords takes time. Thereby, businesses need to invest time and money in the high-end keyword difficulty.
Keyword Difficulty in Between 30-70%
The keyword difficulty ranging in between 30 to 70% has a higher chance of making your profit than the highly competitive keyword difficulty. This category has a high volume of searches, and competition is somewhere in between, making it worth investing time. Try to find the keywords that can realistically improve your investments and bring you the result you intend to get with the target keyword.
Keyword Difficulty Below 30%
You can hit the jackpot if you find the low-competition keyword difficulty with the higher search volumes. This can drastically change your game and can help you rank among the top page of google. The other chance to rank your Website or the article among the top 5 searches is through the high and steady volume of inquiries and searches. If you are new to SEO optimization, you need to opt for this difficulty as below 30% are easy to target. Interestingly, the specific niche-oriented business takes this opportunity by targeting long-tail keywords or low, competitive keywords and makes money out of it. For example, Nick Barton, the online chess website chess.com owner, hits his jackpot after the release of ‘The Queen’s Gambit”. He maintained that his Website received a massive influx of online chess players, making it up to 2.5 million in a month.
Keyword difficulty is an important metric that helps you achieve your google ranking goals. You must note that keyword difficulty is a part of the keyword search process that may involve assessing the monthly, quarterly, or yearly volume searches and other factors such as the content quality on the website, domain, ranking, backlinks, and page authority. To rank on google, one must also consider these essential elements along with the keyword difficulty.
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