
Role of water Treatment Companies in India

water treatment

Access to fresh water is one of the largest drivers of creating a modern residential setup. But it is not possible for everyone to get a continuous supply of potable water. The availability of potable water differs from area to area. In many parts of the world, people don’t have accessibility to drinking water. The role of the local government or municipal body is important to tackle this issue. Local authorities may come up with the installation of municipal water treatment plants to ensure a sufficient supply of potable water in every household.

There are a number of credible water treatment companies in India that make the drinking water safe and credible for all us:

Water treatment process:

It involves a lot of processes using chemicals, filters and removing all the toxins and hazards from the source water. A step by step description is given below:

1- Coagulation and flocculation

All drinking water usually comes from some sources like a fresh lake, river, well or a stream. These water sources contain some amount of sediments as well as organic materials. The sediments may include sand, bacteria dirt, wood, etc. This all must be removed before the water can be given for utility. To achieve this, chemicals called coagulants are added into the water. These chemicals include aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride.

2- Filteration

The water at this stage will start looking clear but still, there will be some bacteria and very small suspended solids. The filtration process seeks to remove the remainder of the suspended solids and the bacteria to further bring purity to the water.

3- Disinfection

There are usually three methods, which can be used individually or in combination with one another depending on the design

chlorine or chloramine treatment

Ozone treatment

Ultraviolet treatment

Advantages of water treatment systems:

Apart from rendering portable and clean drinking water, there are a number of advantages of water treatment systems. They are,

  • Convenience: The RO water purifier service can offer you round the clock service. They offer personalized SMS service and also have nation-wide services.
  • Assured services: With an online RO water purifier feature, these maintenance contract teams can reach the customers whenever required. They hold a skillfully trained technical team, who attends for faults with just a call.
  • Up-gradation offers: The maintenance team never forgets to update the customers regarding exchange offers and discount schemes.
  • Genuine spare parts: The customers are assured to Gain the best as the team makes sure to provide company approved parts for replacement or service reasons.
  • Maintenance bonus: the customers are provided with rewards for the best care taken for the appliance. The RO water purifier maintenance contract team offers the customers with bonus coverage period. Such interesting schemes are made available as they renew the plans.

Final words:

High-cost repairs can be avoided with these systems, When customers register for a periodic maintenance contract, then all the main operational parts are provided by the provider. Irrespective of the cost the parts are fixed and also labour charges are taken responsibly by the company.

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Written by ameliapeten


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