
The Schools’ Curriculum misses Black British history in England


No Black History Portion in school curriculum:-

The curriculum for schooling lacks any chapter containing Black British history information, and no Black author is being taught to the pupils across the UK. While books are full of lessons of equity and good character, including example lessons of White-skinned people. It shows a distinct inequity to the Blacks, and the authorities neglect this issue for a long time. Racist behavior is always marked in lectures and speeches only, but it is not practiced practically. Now pupils are not taught the roles of Black Slaves in the country’s independence, showing the persecution of the authorities regarding racism.

A campaign to revise curriculum:-

The Blacks of the country launched a campaign across the whole country, in which Black pupils from every school participated, and they demanded to add some chapters about Black British history in the books of the national curriculum. It is not enough to mark the only month for Black British history demonstrations, and it is time to prove equity in real practices. The schools use a so-called tradition of reminder for Black British by delivering only lessons and activities in the classrooms. Still, it cannot be an alternative to a proper portion addition in the curriculum. Usually, all schools celebrate the month of October as Black History Month, and they arrange some type of speeches and demonstrations in order to perform formalities reported the writers of essay help UK in their researches. It is now needed to teach the pupils Black History throughout the year, not only for some weeks. All people should be aware of the role of Black slaves in the struggle of liberation. The Black slaves sacrificed and correctly paid their responsibilities. But the young pupils are unaware of all these history-making points, so they tend to practice the rotten culture of racism at schools and communities.

The idea of Black curriculum:-

At present, the schools are teaching an arts-oriented curriculum to young pupils; it includes the subject of history, politics, science maths, etc. This curriculum is designed to induce social coherence among the pupils, while it failed on a whole as Black students are always misbehaved in the schools. A 23-year-old Black student, Lavinya Stennett, purposed a more broad and practical curriculum to be taught at schools. She named it a Black curriculum and offered the Education Department to embed it in their present curriculum. Later on, she built a team of thirty members and started to give training about her curriculum.

Along with her team, she began to visit different schools and train pupils in the Black curriculum. She was a student of the Soas University of London and studied Development and African Studies, she devised this curriculum and presented it in a workshop. Her University faculty motivated her and gave her a chance to deliver lectures on her Black curriculum. She thought that in Black History month, very little attention is given to Black British History. At the same time, it only highlights the Martin Luther King and the American civil rights movement, which is really pathetic. She addressed to pupils in a speech that I know it is essential to teach about Black slaves, but it is not enough, you have to learn British Black history in detail in order to eradicate racist culture from our society.

Criticism on Black curriculum:-

In 1999, Stephen Lawrence was murdered based on racism, and it enlightened the need for a more diverse and active curriculum for the pupils. But there was still inappropriate progress in Stennett’s proposal. A report was issued by Macpherson saying that there are possibilities to add Black British history in the history and English curricula, including some lessons written by Black authors. At that time, Stennett alleged that she wanted to consider the Black curriculum as mandatory and as mainstream for history. The Eurocentric curriculum always viewed black British history as insignificant for pupils, while all know about Blacks’ role in the creation of our country. Its omission from the curriculum results in common hazards like misbehaving with Black-skinned people and dirty politics to exploit Blacks’ rights.

Establishment of Black curriculum:-

It was first appreciated in the Soas University of London; professors declared it a more diverse and productive curriculum for young pupils’ mental nourishment. It was an opportunity for a divergence in the history and training of teachers as well. At the same time, experts were taking it as a revolutionary change in mind setups of pupils, which will help in diminishing racist culture from the community. The lecturer of Sociology at the University of Manchester, Mr. Claire Alexander, said that our schools are narrowly teaching history from last some years. It is time now to make things more diverse, and the up-grading national curriculum is required to maintain consistency in education. At the same time, teachers are also worried about their training with old standards of studies. They are ready to teach history more sensibly and practically, but all they want is the authorities’ support to upgrade the old-fashioned curriculum.

Protagonists of Black curriculum:-

As it was so much popular among school teachers to upgrade curriculum according to the needs of the time, many teachers supported the Black curriculum. The Education Department also appreciated the Black curriculum and arranged training sessions for teachers in order to make them aware of this curriculum. One professor said that Black British history is a crucial topic for study; every school should have the freedom to teach this topic from primary to onwards class. The schools should now embed this black curriculum with their present curriculum to provide the pupils’ best stream of studies. Pupils will surely know the role and importance of Blacks in freedom fighting, and it will induce a change in their minds and eradicate the concept of inequity from our society. It is up to teachers to what extent they are trying to build positive characters in the community, as law enforcement is only possible by freedom of action. Nobody can bound someone to behave equally until his spirit demands a good practice of equality and fairness.

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Written by Maria Lena

Hi, This is Maria lena is professional content writer.


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