
5 Reasons Why Solving NEET Question Papers is Important

neet question papers

Lakhs of students participate in NEET every year with hopes of clearing the test and hence seeking admissions in one of the one lakh odd seats offered in both BDS and MBBS streams. However, only a few get through and clear exams. Experts have deduced many reasons why students fail to crack exams, one such important aspect decoded after the thorough analysis is the lack of practicing from previous years’ NEET papers. With this article, we guide students about the role of question papers and why it is so important and hyped.

There is always a safe distance students want to maintain from exams, but the hard-hitting truth is that exams are an indispensable part of students’ academic life. It is impossible to keep both away from each other. The bitter-sweet relationship shared by students and exams is noteworthy. So, accept it as it and go let your preparation do the talking.

There is no denying the fact that exams, especially competitive exams can be a lot more stressful for students. Managing board exams and preparing to appear for entrance tests can be extremely daunting. But, lamenting over it cannot be a solution, rather looking for smart tactics to ace exams seamlessly, should be the go-to.

One such important and effective tool aiding in reducing stress to a much greater extent is the solving of a NEET question paper. Here, we list down 5 important reasons, which will convince you to prioritize solving papers to crack NEET. Read on.

1. A precursor to actual Exam

The most authentic source to understand the pattern of the exam, as well as questions, are attained when previous years’ papers are solved. One not only is able to deduce the scheme but also is in a position to predict the pattern and sequence of questions appearing from recurring topics just after solving a couple of papers. In other words, an estimate of NEET important topics comes as a bonus after solving enough papers to understand the chapter-wise weightage and prioritize topics accordingly.

2. An eye on time management skills

Solving previous years’ papers is an excellent way to boost levels of speed and accuracy, two of the most important metrics deciding your success at competitive exams such as NEET. It is always recommended to students to solve papers under ideal exam scenarios right from preparation stages to gain the first-hand experience and not feel new when appearing for the actual exam.

3. A perfect tool to self assess

We all prepare for exams, but how do we know where we stand with our preparations? Solving papers help us exactly with this endeavor. It rightly provides insights into our own preparation. Quickly helps us decide our strengths and weaknesses and assists in coming up with a performance report on our own. With the help of this, students are able to analyze stronger points and work on weaker sections effectively, moving one step ahead with preparations.

4. Best source for new questions

Additionally, question papers can be seen as a question bank providing questions to solve from diverse topics. It ensures that one is solving important questions and not mere, irrelevant questions for NEET.

5. Sets the tone

On the day of exams, exam-temperament decides if you crack it or not. Often it has been noticed that students performing mediocre in mock tests or average performance all through the year, turn out to perform much better than others. This is because of the effect of the exam temperament. This has a bigger role to play, on the same lines of hard work and determination, and hence should not be undermined. Train your mind for a better temperament on the actual exam day by solving as many papers.

These were some points to enlighten you on the importance of solving previous years’ NEET question papers and hence recognizing key, important topics for NEET. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube Channel for more.

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Written by ompal singh

I am Blogger by Profession. I Usually Write On Education Related Topics.


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