
5 Signs That Your Essay Is Well-Written

well written essay 5 signs

Being a better writer is a human skill. It will not only help you professionally but also help you become a better human being. So, keep following this article and you will know what the markers of a good essay writer are.

What Is A Good Essay?

Well, this answer is something that cannot be answered in a single statement. This is because there are no set definitions or markers of a good piece of writing. What one can see as a good piece of writing can be, at most, mediocre for the next person. Hence, it is very important to explore the very term good before we can even decide what is good and what is not.

Even though there is no set definition of what a good piece of writing is, there are a few marlers that are present. These markers are not that extensive but do give us an idea of what a good piece of writing is. Knowing these markers will help you to free yourself from the clutches of essay checker and other such applications. These markers include:

Focus: An essay must have a clear focus on a singular or primary idea. You cannot expect to be a good writer if you are constantly juggling your ideas. Branch out, but keep your focus on a singular point.

Development: Each paragraph should add to the central idea. Use examples and definitions to develop ideas properly.

Unity: While discussing or writing an essay, you should not juggle ideas. Maintain a semblance of cohesion, and this will greatly help you with your essay.

Coherence: An essay must be logically organized. Try dealing with one point at a time. A sharp shift in conversation can greatly affect audience engagement. Keep this in mind while writing.

Correctness: The final aspect of any good essay writing is the correctness of the language. Do not use wrong English while writing your pieces. Try to follow the norms of grammar, and you will be fine.

Characteristics of A Good Essay?

Apart from the five basic characteristics, there are other aspects that you must know about. Here are some of the more nuanced characteristics of a good piece of writing.  Here we go!


Authenticity is the biggest aspect of a good piece of writing. By authenticity, we mean that you should write what you truly feel about the subject. Be true to yourself. Do not bring borrowed ideas to the table. While they can embellish a piece of writing, they will never add depth. Use original ideas, perspectives, and instances to write your piece. Write in a way that is true to yourself.

Grab The Attention From Get-Go

Being a professional writer is not at all easy. You have to compete with so many people who are better than you. This is something that you need to understand from an early stage. As a result, you need to know how to capture the audience’s attention. Try to start off your article or piece with a bold and encapsulating statement. This will help you to get the reader’s attention. This is something that you need to follow religiously. I personally prefer starting with a question and subsequently using my piece as an introspective journey to answer that question. This helps me to maintain cohesion and unity of thought.

Explore Beyond the Layer

One thing that several young writers are guilty of is bringing ideas and not exploring them properly. Do not be one of those writers. As a writer, it is your job to take your audience on a journey of words. Only bring ideas that you have the mental bandwidth to explore in depth. Also, strike a balance between deep and superficial discussions. If you become overly deep, the audience might find it nauseating, and vice versa. Strike a balance but go beyond the surface. Try exploring the underlying themes and symbolisms of the subject that you are discussing. This helped me to up my writing game.

Incorporate Something Different

As a writer, you need to keep asking yourself, ‘What am I doing differently?’ There are several other writers who are exactly doing what you are doing. Hence, you need to set yourself apart from them and do it well. Add some or your personal quirks to your writing, and you will notice that your writing is performing much better. However, I must not be misquoted, I am not telling you to write with an informal tone. You can make your content feel different and formal at the same time. Therefore, strike that balance.

Keep The Readers In Mind

Writers often write while keeping themselves at the very center of everything. While it is a good way to add style and flair to your writing, I believe that you must keep readers in mind. This will help you mediate your content in a way that matches the IQ of your readers. This will help you to make your content easily digestible and evergreen. You can do it by keeping your language easy and without embellishment.

Closing Thought

And that is all you need to know about five steps that will help you become a better writer in the long run. While the points are helpful, these are not the only five points that you must know about. In fact, every writer must follow their own checklist and try not to deviate too much from it.

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Written by Amelia Moore

With 5 years of experience in the field, Amelia Moore is an online entrepreneur by profession and a passionate blogger and content writer. She loves to write content about Travel, Sports, Lifestyle, Entertainment, fashion, and many more.


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