
Female Hormone Replacement Therapy – Must-Known Pros And Cons!

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Entering your menopause can ghost you. That bloody hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and night sweats make you tired and drained. While these days it has been more normalized, honestly speaking, it is not normal and an indication that your body is in dire need of help. Luckily, there are many treatment options that offer much-needed relief and solutions. Among these, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) remains a commonly recommended one for women grappling with hormonal issues. However, before proceeding with the treatment, it is important to educate yourself on the pros and cons of the treatment.

When they hit the menopause phase, women tend to lose the harmony in their hormones, which manifests various issues both internally and externally. Unique to women, reproductive hormones are crucial for overall health and balance. In post-menopause, these hormones face downfall, leading to conditions like fatigue, slower metabolism, weight changes, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, hair loss, dry skin, mood swings, and many more. For many, it is highly manageable with simple changes to their diet and lifestyle. However, some need extra care and treatment to navigate through the phase, says ThreeBestRated Gynaecologist.

Five Pros of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Cures Post-Menopause Symptoms

One of the primary aids you can expect from HRT is that it offers relief from the above-said post-menopause symptoms, making life more manageable. It also replenishes the essential hormones in the body which helps you cure hormonal imbalance and lead a quality life.

Protects The Bones

Women, during menopause, will become prone to osteoporosis, weak bones, decreased bone density, and fractures due to a decline in Estrogen level – a female hormone essential for bone protection. It promotes metabolism and boosts the activity of osteoblasts – cells responsible for making new bones and growing & protecting the existing ones. HRT works to replenish the estrogen hormone, aiding the protection of bone health.

Support Metabolism And Weight-loss

Fluctuating hormones along with other factors such as sleep discomforts, decreased physical activity, and mental health challenges, can significantly slow down the metabolism. This decrease in metabolism will reduce muscle mass while increasing body fat. And, the result? You will notice changes in your body shape and unwanted weight gain. HRT will help you build muscle mass, support metabolism, and keep your body in shape.

Cardiovascular Health

Hormone replacement therapy helps you prevent the risks of cardiac issues and cut down the cholesterol levels. Because research has proven that a drop in estrogen level will impact the function of blood vessels and overall cardiac health. Although ongoing research continues to explore these connections, the fact is true on its surface level.

Improve Cognitive Function

Due to the low levels of female hormones, women, after menopause experience consistent mood swings, stress, anxiety, irritability, anger, and lack of motivation. The continuous exposure to these mental discomforts will lead to cognitive impairments and dementia. By replenishing the female hormones, HRT helps you prevent these conditions to a greater extent.

The Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Increase the Risk of Breast Cancer

Hormone Replacement Therapy has proven to increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer. However, researchers have pointed out that this increased risk is low as around 5 in 1000 women who take combined HRT for more than 5 years may possess this possibility.

Moreover, if you have had treatment with cancer, then HRT is not recommended for you. Even if you haven’t had cancer, you must consult with a physician to know which HRT is suitable for you. And, along with the treatment, don’t forget about your healthy lifestyle.

Blood Clots

Oral supplements of HRT may develop the risk of blood clots in the veins and arteries. Again, the risk rate is very low. However, people with blood clot risks, cardiovascular diseases, and those aged 50 and above are not recommended to have this treatment.

Alternatively, HRT patches, gels, and sprays are recommended as it is considered safe when the estrogen is taken through your skin.

Cardiovascular Diseases

As said earlier, HRT has the potential to increase the blood clots in the veins and arteries, it is said to increase cardiovascular issues. So before recommending HRT, your age, lifestyle, and pre-existing cardiac and other health problems will be taken into consideration to determine your eligibility.

Other Potential Risks

Hormone replacement therapy has some side effects such as mood swings, nausea, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, and allergies. Some may even have gallbladder stones and gallbladder disease.


You have to keep in mind that these side effects may vary for different individuals. Therefore, it is important to undergo a pre-consultation with a certified physician before commencing hormone replacement therapy. This will help you get the personalized approach and solution, ensuring the treatment goes in line with your health conditions and needs. Doing so, you can maximize the benefits of HRT while reducing the potential risks associated with the treatment.

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Written by Sara Wilson

This is Sara Wilson, the Director of Communications and Writer at ThreeBestRated. As a voracious writer, I write articles on various topics that interest and educate people.


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