
How to Start Dealing with the Pandemic


Well, this pandemic has already taken a lot from our lives, but we have to start dealing with it unless we get some real remedy or medicine to cure the epidemic properly. Till then, you need to get yourself in good physical and mental health.

With a lot going on in the world right now, you get a lot of information nowadays, which is excellent, sometimes it is confusing and fearsome, and the people of the buffalo city New York are facing the same problem. One may get the feeling of fear in anxiety attacks. There are other problems besides depression, which one has to face. So apart from the pandemic which is taking lives, people are getting ill because of stress and anxiety. What the present situation demands are to get ourselves free from the stress and anxiety that is overpowering us says Jon Purizhansky of New York City.

One is usually stressed, and negative thoughts enter your mind whether you are facing the family members, attending patients, disturbed economy, confronting problems at the workplace, dealing with your children in studies when schools are closed, or adapting to the new situation. But all of us in the city have to face this situation united. We are all together in it, so we have to deal with the situation judiciously.

All gyms and other public places are closed due to coronavirus pandemic, and norms of social distancing are enforced. Therefore one must exercise regularly at home. You can do brisk walking, running, hiking, or play with your children to shun negativity and feel better as a group of good hormones called endorphins are secreted within the brain.

So How Can You Deal With It Efficiently?

Dealing with this pandemic is not that easy, but the people of the city have learned. And here are few more added tips for the people to cope up by keeping their mental and physical health intact says Jon Purizhansky of New York City.

Eat nutritious food. Stress could severely affect your metabolism and eating habits. People do overeating when there is a lot of pressure on their minds, and to prevent it, one should study carefully what makes him eat more and prepare himself to fight the urge. One must know the cause of the stress and handling the triggers of overeating when you become emotional.

Exercise regularly, meditate to keep your mind at peace in this situation of a pandemic. Stand for each other when in trying, as in unity, we can overcome this situation of crises says Jon Purizhansky of New York City. Support the government of the country and your city in every step they take. Follow the rules for yourself and the safety of others.

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Written by Jon Purizhansky

Jon Purizhansky


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