
Chemicals for Tiles Cleaning


Modern cleaning products can clean everything: grease stains on kitchen surfaces and dishes, rust on faucets, sauce stains on clothes, etc. But how to achieve maximum cleaning with minimum loss of health and money?

Household chemicals is a phrase that has firmly and lastingly entered our lives. Today it is difficult to imagine even a day without the use of cleaning agents and detergents; not a single wash, clean, or repair is complete without them. More than half of the market is occupied by detergents. A quarter is collected by hand and with dishwasher detergent. This is followed by cleaning, disinfecting, and bleaching agents. In fourth place are the car washers. All cleaning products can be divided into groups according to the area of use (for washing dishes, kitchenware, ceramic bathroom tiles, mosaics, etc.). The hostess should pay attention to the composition of the components that form the basis of a particular product. So to help yourself you can buy acidic, alkaline, or neutral powders. Acidic acids are used to remove mineral deposits, such as scale or salt deposits. They are used on acid-resistant surfaces: earthenware, ceramic digital wall tiles, etc. Strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid, cause corrosion. Rust, lime, soapstone, and cement plates are also removed with acidic agents.

Alkaline substances clean oil and grease stains. Depending on the complexity of the contamination, weakly alkaline, medium alkaline, and strongly alkaline agents are used. The latter is highly corrosive and irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. Neutral detergents are also designed to remove oil, grease, and other contaminants. Unlike acids and alkalis, they do not cause corrosion or chemical burns.

How to choose?

It’s simple: read the composition on the label. It should not include:

– Anionic surfactants:- 

These are the most aggressive surfactants of all. They are contained in detergents for washing clothes, washing dishes, and cleaning tiles. Anionic surfactants cause allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, and reduce immunity. Natural fabrics maintain their greatest strength: wool, semi-wool, and cotton. Even rinsing 10 times with hot water does not completely rid fabrics of chemicals. After washing, dangerous concentrations of surfactant A can persist in tissues for up to four days and, in contact with the skin, enter the body.

– Phenols and cresols:-

 These compounds easily penetrate the human body through the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. They cause allergies, eye diseases, respiratory tract diseases, impaired kidney and liver function, and even malignant neoplasms. Part of polishes for floors and furniture. It enters the human body through the respiratory tract and the skin. Causes headache, anemia, kidney dysfunction.

– Formaldehyde:- 

Powerful carcinogen that irritates the eyes, throat, skin, respiratory tract, and lungs.

Chlorine, phosphates, sodium hypochlorite, and petroleum distillates also have a harmful effect on the human body.

Most dishwasher detergents wash only after repeated rinses with clean water. There are also universal cleaning agents on the market, that is, suitable for all surfaces. They are divided into chemical and organic. The former does an excellent job with different types of pollution, but don’t forget the damage they cause to both human health and the environment. Universal organic products do not contain phosphates, surfactants, fragrances, synthetic preservatives, and other harmful substances. Instead, the composition can include soap nut extract, surfactants of plant origin, soda, citric acid, zeolite, vegetable starch, alcohol, etc.

The disadvantage of these funds is the high cost of the product. If you are concerned about the environment, in addition to universal organic products, you should pay attention to biodegradable cleaning and washing products. Full biodegradability means that the substance will degrade over time (an average of 19 days) to form water and carbon dioxide. These products are not allergens, they do not harm health or the environment. To find out if a substance is safe for the environment, just look at the packaging to see the eco-labels.

Probably, it will not be superfluous to remind you that it is quite possible to prepare a harmless cleaning agent at home with your own hands. As a general rule, all components are on hand. For example, baking soda, white bite, Castile soap, lemon, vegetable oils, essential oils (for flavoring). Vinegar can remove mineral deposits on faucets, glue and gum on floor tiles, and rust. The vinegar smell will disappear as soon as the surface dries. Choosing chemicals for your home is not easy. With the current variety of products on the market, your eyes simply go wild – manufacturers provide a variety of promises. And then everyone decides what exactly they want to get out of the tool and how harmless it should be.

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Written by rutviksharma

Professional executive, home improvement and lifstyle blogger. 300 x 600 mm wall tiles


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