
The importance of Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity in companies

Technology has brought multiple benefits, but also threats, to our lives, our jobs, and companies. One of the most palpable threats is the one that refers to the security of the computer systems that we use every day or with which we work. The risks that until a few years ago were only visible in fiction have already reached daily reality and companies face almost daily threats of information theft with which to traffic or blackmail.

Cybersecurity is one of the most important concerns that many business managers have since the theft of data from a company can be a major disruption to its daily management, in addition to a significant financial outlay to be able to recover them again.

Security threats

The first threats to the security of digital systems are found through malicious programs, malware, spyware, spyware, computer viruses, worms, or Trojans that can access email accounts or the company’s computer structures.

Other threats can come through poorly programmed systems that can be used by hackers to access an entity’s theoretically armored systems. These poorly designed systems can facilitate gateways to unwanted digital elements. We can also find different ways of entry of these intruders through the access problems that can be generated by the users of the system with their carelessness when entering them, with visible passwords, etc … Do not forget the intruders that, from outside the organization, can enter the systems, without prior authorization, and that can be done with the data or with the own work programs of a specific organization.

How to deal with threats?

One of the questions to be taken into account by companies that face this type of situation is to assess what risk possibilities they have to be able to put into effect the necessary firewalls to fight against them. Companies have to be aware that the most important value they have within their systems is information. This information includes data on its production systems, its organization, products, investments, exports, imports, production plants, its workforce, clients … In other words, everything that revolves around an organization, its past, present, and future is liable to be stolen or tampered with for criminal purposes by third parties. This forces these same companies to have the best security systems to control these threats, which may even condition the viability of the company.

Among the tools that can be implemented in companies to improve computer security systems are, first, training in cybersecurity for staff members who have access to the systems to acquire work routines that are effective and without risks in the daily development of their obligations. To this, we must add other actions such as the encoding of information, especially in systems or projects that may be more vulnerable.

Additionally, the use of hard-to-access passwords or the use of digital signatures and certificates can make it difficult for hackers to access sensitive information. There are other equally relevant issues such as having technologies that repel attacks; make backup copies and use remote backup systems so that the most important data of the company is not physically in it in order to make access difficult.

What do we do in case of an attack

The implementation of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 forces companies to take more measures in the field of cybersecurity. In this regard, at ITCL we emphasize to companies the importance of the security of new technologies so that their data, operations, and products are safe.

The Spanish legal system regulates what to do in these cases. Companies have to report that they have suffered this type of crime so that the judicial authority can act and prosecute criminals because not only are their data at stake, but also those referring to third parties. The Spanish judicial system has numerous professionals, trained and accredited, to investigate and solve this type of crime.

In Spain, we have INCIBE, the National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain, whose work is focused on strengthening digital trust and raising cybersecurity levels in the country. The INCIBE, based in León, carries out research on this matter and coordinates the agents involved in digital security. In addition, he is in charge of leading projects in this area at the national and international levels. At the European level, there are other organizations such as the European Cybercrime Center that is also committed to the active fight against this type of crime.

Cybersecurity and information

The main problem we face is that companies are not yet sufficiently aware of the importance of computer security and all that it entails.

Risk is perceived as something far away that only happens to others, and misinformation prevents action. And this perception is generalized in SMEs; So it is not surprising that 7 out of 10 attacks are committed in this type of company.

Five reasons to invest in cybersecurity

Still not clear what are the reasons why you should protect yourself? Let’s see:

  • To efficiently join Industry 4.0.
  • To certify the availability of your services.
  • To shield your intellectual property.
  • To be able to enter new markets.
  • To develop new business techniques.

In short, you should not ask yourself why cybersecurity is important, but you should invest in it

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Written by lakshitha pandiri


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